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Kettlebell kings blog

Total Body Kettlebell Workout by Kettlebell Kings

Total Body Kettlebell Workout by Kettlebell Kings

  A total body kettlebell workout is simple to do, whether you’re working out at the gym or home. This type of workout will build full body power and strength. At the same time, a f...
Kettlebell Kings: Full Body Kettlebell Workout
Alyssa Kuhn

Kettlebell Kings: Full Body Kettlebell Workout

  Kettlebell complexes are one of my personal favorites when it comes to kettlebell exercises because you can get an intense, full body workout in a short amount of time. A kettlebel...
Kettlebell Sport Long Cycle Tutorial | Kettlebell Sport Basics

Kettlebell Sport Long Cycle Tutorial | Kettlebell Sport Basics

  If you haven’t yet seen the Swing Clean or Jerk videos, please view them now as these tutorials progress in order. Long Cycle combines Swing Clean with Jerk. Men use 2 bells, women...
7 Most Common Kettlebell Exercises Mistakes
Erin Mahoney

7 Most Common Kettlebell Exercises Mistakes

A kettlebell workout adds a functional training element to a program, but be careful of these common kettlebell mistakes. Of all the kettlebell mistakes you can make, the most common occur du...
Kettlebell Sport Basics: Kettlebell Swing Clean

Kettlebell Sport Basics: Kettlebell Swing Clean

  The Swing Clean is part of Long Cycle, one of the three traditional Kettlebell Sport lifts. Men use 2 bells, women can use one, switching hands one time in 10 minutes, or two bell...
Kettlebell Foundations: Hardstyle Kettlebell Clean
Kettlebell Clean

Kettlebell Foundations: Hardstyle Kettlebell Clean

We are excited to continue our popular Kettlebell Foundations series for those getting acquainted with kettlebells. Doug Fioranelli is the owner of Rise Above Performance Training® where he us...