New customers always ask us the best way to save more! We have a ton of ways to save on your order from Kettlebell Kings.

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Kettlebell Kings Coupons 2

New Customers

First, when you first enter our website, you can enter your email address for a coupon which is good for your first order. If you already bypassed this by the time you are reading this, just chat in the chat box in the bottom right corner and we can give you a code for your first purchase! Additionally, our site is automatically set up for you to save! With each additional kettlebell you add to your cart, your automatic discount increases up to 20% on your order! So, just start adding what you need to your cart and your savings will stack up!

Returning Customers

We have a host of ways for returning customers to save and we reward loyalty. With each purchase you make you get new opportunities with increasing ways to save more on each subsequent order plus savings on ancillary items like apparel, resistance bands and racks!

Start Shopping Here! Need help choosing the right kettlebell? Start by reading our popular post about choosing the right kettlebell!

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