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Kettlebell kings blog

1.5 pood kettlebell

Feel the Strength with This 1.5 Pood Kettlebell

It's simple - you lift weights because you want to gain strength and build muscle. You might not be looking to bulk up and be the next Mr. Universe, but burning fat and toning your body with we...
1.5 pood kettlebell

Weighted Holiday Gifts

The holidays are quickly approaching, which means you need to find a gift that your spouse will love! Finding practical gifts are always so hard to do, especially when you have no clue on what ...
1 pood kettlebell

Start Sweating- It's Normal!

Kettlebells are becoming the future of working out. To get your body to sweat, it may take some effort. Sweat doesn’t come easy for some, but if you start using a competition kettlebell, we are sur...
1 pood kettlebell

Challenge Yourself With Something New - Kettlebell Exercises

Kettlebells are becoming more popular as the days go on, however, some people still aren’t sure how to use them. Many people think that they need to be in shape to use kettlebells, which is silly. ...
1 pood kettlebell

Get Real About Your Health Goals

The New Year has finally arrived, which means that New Year’s resolutions are underway, and getting into the best shape ever is a goal for many. Is this a goal for you too? Do you want to look as a...